1. What is expected investment for lamp oil business?
A. Minimum 1 lakh
2. Can you suggest good business idea?

A. Business is the strategy where you could exhibit your highest potential. Here I have no discrimination of good and bad. If something works for you will become good to you if it works against to you it will become bad for you.
3. Should I need a machine to start a small making unit of detergent powder? A. Not required, you could make with simple tools available at home. 4. What is training charge for lamp oil making? A. Rs 1500/- (Online) 5. Can we attend training at your office as we want to learn in your presence? A. Most welcome but training charge will be Rs: 5000/- In reality there no much difference in online and offline. Always choice is yours.6. How could I control smoke in Lamp oil? A. For this you need to attend the training.
If you have taken training in the past you text to my WhatsApp (9000425588) with your ID which has been given while taking training.